Dr. Tanja Kamin is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication Studies and Head of the research Centre for Social psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Dr. Kamin’s primary research and teaching interest is in the critical development of social interventions for initiating and promoting social change, primarily within the framework of social marketing. To date, she has researched social marketing primarily in relation to health promotion and the improvement of health in society due to improved socio-economic, cultural and lifestyle conditions. In 2005, Dr. Kamin received an award for best dissertation (title: Promocija zdravja in mit opolnomočenega državljana // Health Promotion and the Myth of Citizen’s Empowerment) at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. In 2006, she received an award for best working paper “The role of public health advocates in mediatization of illicit drugs and promotion of anti-drug related behaviour” at the Corporate Marketing Communication Conference. In 2007, she received the Prisma national award for best practice in public relations campaign (campaign made for mental health promotion organisation Ozara).
Social psychology, critical studies of everyday life, critical development of social interventions aimed at social change, behavioural change, social marketing, qualitative methodology
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