Andrej F. Gubina obtained his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, in 2002 where he was appointed Associate Professor in 2011. In 2000, he was a Fulbright Visiting Researcher of the Energy Laboratory, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Between 2002 and 2005, he headed the Risk Management Department at Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o., Ljubljana. Since March 2007, he is a Senior Researcher and Head of the Laboratory for Energy Policy at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In August 2008, he became a Research Lecturer at the Electricity Research Centre of University College Dublin, in Ireland. He has coordinated a FP6 project VBPC-RES and participated as the Principal Investigator in ten others (FP6, FP7, IEE and H2020). Currently, he is the Project Coordinator of H2020 EU project COMPILE. His field of research encompasses Power System Economics and Deregulation, Production Planning under Open Electricity Market Conditions, Risk Management and Asset Management in EPS, Load Forecasting, Demand Side Management, Energy Efficiency of Demand and Renewable Energy Sources integration. He is a guest lecturer on RES integration and policy design in Europe, and holder of technology patents. He is a Senior Member of IEEE PES and Member of CIGRE Paris.
Our-Energy knowledge areas
- Systems, technologies and actors
- Energy conservation and demand response
- Low carbon energy sources