Agatino Nicita is the coordinator of the CNR ITAE research group Socio-economic impact studies related to energy technologies and is also responsible for the Research and Technology Transfer Support Office. He is a technologist dealing with socio-economic impacts of innovative energy technologies, energy efficiency measures, and energy policy. He studies consumer behavior with respect to the adoption of technologies for saving and improving energy efficiency, and focuses on social and economic barriers hindering households and firms to adopt innovative energy technologies. He was coordinator of the Energy Power Cluster project, financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, aimed to introduce innovative energy technologies in SMEs operating in the nautical and building sectors. He furthermore worked on two EU projects aimed to foster cooperation and technology transfer among Mediterranean countries, including Empowering Tunisian Renewable Energy Research Activities (ETRERA), and Empowering Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Research Alliance for Europe 2020 (ETRERA 2020).
Innovative energy technologies, consumer behaviour, socio-economic impacts of energy technologies
Our-Energy knowledge areas
- Economics
- Social aspects
- Systems, technologies and actors
- Energy conservation and demand response